Five Perfect at the Pan-Am Youth
August 18, 2009
Five of the 23 American representatives at the Pan-Am Youth in Mar Del Plata, Argentina still have 3/3: Tanuj Vasudeva, Tommy He, Arthur Shen, Vincent Huang and Annie Wang. The Pan-Am Youth features some precocious blogging as well as chessplaying: In addition to Simone Liao's chess blog, Bay Area eight-year-old Tanuj is also blogging from the tournament!




See the complete scores of the U.S. squad below.

Scores After Three Rounds:

Thomas He, Photo Elizabeth Vicary
Sub.8 Abs.      TANUJ VASUDEVA- 3

Sub.10 Abs     TOMMY HE- 3

Sub.10 Abs.    SHYAM GANDHI- 1

Sub.10 Abs.    STAN LIAO- 1.5

Sub.12 Abs.    JAROD PAMATMAT- 2.5

Sub.12 Abs.    JORDAN PAMATMAT- 2

Sub.12 Abs.    ARTHUR SHEN- 3

Sub.12 Abs.    MICHAEL BROWN- 1.5

Sub.12 Abs.    SAMUEL WARANCH- 1

Sub.14 Abs.    DANIEL ROZOVSKY- 1.5

Sub.14 Abs.    JUSTIN KARP-1

Sub.14 Abs.    MILES HINSON- 2.5

Sub.16 Abs.    VINCENT HUANG-3

Sub.16 Abs.    ANDREW SHVARTSMAN- 2.5

Sub.16 Abs.    ADARSH JAYAKUMAR-1.5

Sub. 16 Abs.    VICTOR SHEN-  2.5

Sub.18 Abs.    ALISA MELEKHINA –1.5


Sub. 8 Fem.     ANNIE WANG-3

Sub.10 Fem.    MARYIA ORESHKO-1

Sub. 10 Fem    SIMONE LIAO-2

Sub.14 Fem     ANNA MATLIN-2

Sub.18 Fem     KARSTEN MCVAY-0