Kamsky Falters in Game Two
February 18, 2009
logo_en.jpgGata Kamsky lost the second game of the World Chess Challenge Match (Feb. 16-28) against GM Veselin Topalov. This was a sad one for Kamsky fans, as Gata lost with White in the first time control. Topalov chose the Berlin Defense, which was presumably a surprise, since Gata spent over an hour on the first ten moves. 


 Tomorrow is a rest day, but root on a Kamsky comeback starting at 8 AM EST on Friday. Watch live on the Internet Chess Club,the official website, or chessdom, where there will be live GM coverage.  Check the full schedule here
and read about the first game, Kamsky Draws in Scary Grunfeld.  Look for onsite reports by GM Ian Rogers starting this weekend.