July Key Krackers
By David L. Brown   
July 27, 2006

Congratulations to David Dana-Bashian for submitting the first perfect entry for the June Key Krackers.

Dr. Steven Dowd has distinguished himself as a fine solver (making Expert), and quickly has become one of our stronger composers! Through his new contacts, he has encouraged friends abroad to submit their recent works to KK. And shortly, as Steve's compositions evenually make awards in other magazines, I hope to present them here as well.

New Solvers: In Directmates (commonly known as Mate in Two, Three, etc.) White always moves first. Only the key-move defeats every black defense in the stipulated number of moves. You should list only these keys, no variations!

In Helpmates, Black always moves first, and both sides cooperate or "help" to mate the Black King. All moves must be legal. Full length solution(s) to helpmates must always be given by the solver. The best way to understand helpmates is to study past issues with solutions.

Long-time solvers: Please note that these numbers correspond to 2642-2653 in Brown's ouevre. The ladder competition is still in effect.

Mail your list of solutions before August 15th to David L. Brown, 2217 N. Alpine, Rockford, IL 61107 1437. Or e-mail [email protected]E-mail or mail twelve correct answers before anyone else and get a free, signed copy of U.S. Problem Anthology, a problem collection compiled by Edgar Holladay.Please remember that you can only win a free book once a year. Please include the KK month on the subject line of your email or at the top of your mailed entry. A perfect score this month is 42. Solutions will appear online with the August issue of Chess Life.

Cor Goldschmeding
4th HM Israel CT 1953-54
Mate in Two

Zivko Janevski
Problem 1970
Mate in Two

Halvar Hermanson
Schackvariden 1930
Mate in Two

Halvar Hermanson
1st Pr. Dagbladet 1957
Mate in Two

Valentin Lukianov
5th HM Hartong Mem. 1988
Mate in Two

J. Grande
Problem 1964
Mate in Three

J. Fridlizius
Vart Land 1897
Mate in Three

J. Fritz
Parallele 50 1950
Mate in Three

E. Brunner
Miniatures Strategiques 1935
Mate in Four

Jan Rusinek
1st Pr. Mat 1987
Mate in Seven

Mario Parrinello
2nd HM Goumondy Ty. 1986
Helpmate in Two (Three Solutions)

Mario Parrinello
1st Pr. feenschach 1986
Helpmate in Two (Three Solutions)