Tang & Kats Pick Up Big Norms in Canada
August 23, 2014
The North American Junior (Under 20) Championship held from July 31-August 4th in Kitcher, Ontario, Canada. The event was a big success for American players. Andrew Tang finished 7.5 out of 9 and won clear first. He earned the IM title and a GM norm. He told CLO that the victory was "totally unexpected," and he was speechless after winning. Here's his upset win over IM Akshat Chandra of "Quest to GM."


Edward Song finished second with 7 out of 9, good for an IM norm and the FM title. Safal Bora finished third with 6.5 out of 9 and also earned an IM norm and FM title.
Alena Kats took first place (on tiebreak) among female players and earned the WIM title and a WGM norm.


Simone Liao tied for first and earned the WIM title.
Find full standings and games
on the official website.