Senatorial Nod for National Chess Day
August 4, 2011
USCFFLag (1).jpgNational Chess Day (set this year for Saturday, October 8) has received a special boost on August 2nd when Senate Resoulution 255 passed unanimously. Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia again sponsored the resolution while two senators co-sponsored: Sen Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan. See the final wording below and find a Wall Street Journal blog on the decision.

See details on how you can benefit from National Chess Day promotions and share your National Chess Day experiences in a previous CLO article.


Designating October 8, 2011, as ‘‘National Chess Day’’ to enhance awareness
and encourage students and adults to engage in a game known to
enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Mr. ROCKEFELLER (for himself and Mr. ALEXANDER) submitted the following
resolution; which was referred to the Committee on llllllllll


Designating October 8, 2011, as ‘‘National Chess Day’’ to
enhance awareness and encourage students and adults
to engage in a game known to enhance critical thinking
and problem-solving skills.

Whereas there are more than 76,000 members of the United
States Chess Federation (referred to in this preamble as
the ‘‘Federation’’), and unknown numbers of additional
people in the United States who play the game without
joining an official organization;

Whereas approximately 1⁄2 of the members of the Federation
are scholastic members, and many of the scholastic members
join by the age of 10;

Whereas the Federation is very supportive of the scholastic
programs and sponsors a Certified Chess Coach program
that provides the coaches involved in the scholastic programs
training and ensures schools and students can
have confidence in the programs;

Whereas many studies have linked chess programs to the improvement
of student scores in reading and math, as well
as improved self-esteem;

Whereas the Federation offers a school curriculum to educators
to help incorporate chess into the school curriculum;
Whereas chess is a powerful cognitive learning tool that can
be used to successfully enhance reading and math concepts;

Whereas chess engages students of all learning styles and
strengths and promotes problem-solving and higher-level
thinking skills:

Now, therefore, be it

1 Resolved, That the Senate—
2 (1) designates October 8, 2011, as ‘‘National
3 Chess Day’’; and
4 (2) encourages the people of the United States
5 to observe ‘‘National Chess Day’’ with appropriate
6 programs and activities.