Carlsen in the New Yorker
March 15, 2011
Magnus Carlsen, Photo Lesley Weitjes
The latest The New Yorker Magazine features a beautifully written profile of GM Magnus Carlsen by D.T. Max. The article moves through Carlsen's recent tournaments in London, Wijk Aan Zee and New York (for the G-Star RAW event, Magnus Carlsen Against the World). Carlsen, who is currently tied for the lead at the Amber chess tournament revealed that even though the event is not classical or rated, he really wanted to win to "restore the power balance" that he felt he had lost after Anand overtook his World #1 ranking.

See the abstract on the website (full version is behind a paywall) but if you are not a subscriber, you can pick up a copy on the newstand. Also read Mig Greengard's thoughts on the piece on chessninja.