Website Updates on MSA and Spring Nationals
February 18, 2011
USCFlogoslide.jpgNational Scholastic Information pages

See and bookmark pages on the upcoming Spring National Scholastics:

New on MSA by Mike Nolan
There's a new data page on MSA, an Events Rated list by month and state. The new page is at

In order to keep the search times reasonable, you do have to enter a month and a state code, but you can enter multiple state codes at the same time, such as KS and IA. It will produce a list ordered by state, city and ending date, showing the event ID (and a link to the crosstable), the event name, the city and state, the number of players in the event (unique USCF IDs), and the number of players who were 'local', which is defined as having a current ZIP code within 25 miles of the ZIP code for the tournament site.

Top Player Bios
The top player bios section of the website has recently added profiles on GM Ray Robson, GM Robert Hess and GM Aleksandr Lenderman. More to come soon!

Denker Website
Remember to check out the new Denker tournament of high school champions website,