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Top Age 12 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation January 2023

1Woodward, Andy Austin (16302012)12TXUSA2499
2Chen, Ryo (16914802)12TXUSA2441
3Adewumi, Tanitoluwa (16649696)12NYUSA2393
4Chakrabarti, Brejesh (16167206)12FLUSA2364
5Ren, Jesse (16647087)12MIUSA2213
6Deng, Henry (16681298)12CAUSA2203
7Jiang, Andrew (16091063)12GAUSA2197
8Bansal, Advay (16068511)12CAUSA2193
9Wang, Alexander J (15983386)12NJUSA2177
10Yan, Nathan (16430495)12CAUSA2149
11Wang, Jeffery (16291100)12CAUSA2130
12Golsefidy, Sepehr (16686975)12CAUSA2121
13Colville, Julian (16397710)12CAUSA2119
14Vidyarthi, Omya (15782318)12CAUSA2109
=14Su, Jasmine Zhixin (16377701)12CTUSA2109
16Shetty, Anshul P (15752957)12ILUSA2087
17Tang, Dylan (16551237)12CAUSA2086
18Bhaduri, Neil S (16717750)12CAUSA2069
19Venkatesh, Narayan (17154243)12NJUSA2061
20Liu, Ethan (16441893)12NCUSA2059
21Jiang, Jason (16724055)12NYUSA2041
22Rao, Anjaneya Sripathy (16442373)12ILUSA2036
23Farragut, Cannon (16051045)12FLUSA2035
24Diao, Matthew Guo (15914362)12VAUSA2017
=24Levine, Owen (16024663)12USA2017
26Tang, Benjamin Benchen (16545605)12CAUSA2014
27Chinni, Rishabh (16399826)12WAUSA2007
=27Adhikari, Sunav (16633636)12OHUSA2007
29Soni, Arjun Gorakh (16150557)12OHUSA2005
30Xu, Gordon Zhenyu (16641003)12CAUSA2003
31Chennareddy, Yuvraj (15944053)12ILUSA1999
32Talwalkar, Vedant (16408266)12CAUSA1996
33Li, Michael (16125800)12NYUSA1991
=33Casares, Santiago De Jesus (30429981)12FLFOR1991
35Muthukumaran, Gurru (15865863)12PAUSA1981
=35Willy, Stephen (17088783)12WAUSA1981
37Chang, Max (16180667)12NYUSA1971
38Meng, Joshua (16485720)12TXUSA1966
39Singhvi, Armaan (16486310)12TNUSA1964
40Ho, Jasper (16038265)12NYUSA1962
41Gu, Crystal (16028603)12CAUSA1956
42Vemparala, Nikash (16438800)12WAUSA1952
43Moorhouse, Will (30059498)12VAUSA1947
44Aravindakshan, Sahana (16741147)12NJUSA1946
45Chyngyz, Sultai (15768624)12ILFOR1945
=45Suarez, Sebastian (16875347)12CAUSA1945
47Kilari, Dattasai (16429310)12MAUSA1938
48Yao, Hanchi (16512998)12CAUSA1934
49Champsi, Imran (16176854)12CAUSA1924
50Jin, Austin (17144712)12CAUSA1914
51Kurup, Siddharth Ajay (16282415)12MDUSA1904
=51Yang, Andersen (16304918)12CAUSA1904
53Gopalakrishnan, Kritin Rohan (16545130)12CAUSA1901
54Zhu, Alexander (16147664)12AZUSA1900
55Riaz, Rayhan (16543002)12MAUSA1894
56Mokhov, Anthony Michael (16196162)12CAUSA1887
=56Kamesh, Vidyuth (16698696)12MOUSA1887
58Ma, Cuihan (16277552)12NVUSA1883
59Chamadia, Avaan (15907570)12NYUSA1865
60Panda, Aaradhya (16083770)12AZUSA1862
61Mei, Ethan R (16090467)12CAUSA1860
62Chidipudi, Kishan (17032815)12CAUSA1858
63Chen, Jocelyn (15671677)12CAUSA1856
=63Zhang, Sunny (15903555)12TXUSA1856
65Shi, Yuelin (16286905)12CAUSA1849
66Karthikeyan, Harishkumar (16934805)12WAUSA1833
67Porat, Tori (16169156)12CAUSA1822
=67Tessiore, Luca Giorgio (17347744)12WAUSA1822
69Kang, Dylan Taewoong (16103622)12NYUSA1820
70Chang, Jerry (15965270)12CAUSA1819
=70Gui, Suyuan (16962930)12CAUSA1819
72Yang, Alexander (16917728)12WAUSA1810
73Murugan Ayyappan, Adhiraiyan (16024678)12VAUSA1806
=73Zhang, Michael (16565807)12AZUSA1806
75Marian, Aaron (15799497)12FLUSA1796
76Ammasani, Smayan (16103198)12NCUSA1794
77Osborne, Adam (30247740)12TNUSA1792
78Raparthi, Indira Lakshmi (16287187)12NYUSA1788
79Fan, Frank (16034737)12CAUSA1787
80Zhou, Brian Xing (16029627)12TXUSA1786
81Wang, Bohan (16880573)12MAUSA1785
82Mishra, Om (30019665)12FLUSA1782
83Wu, Jacob (16337966)12MAUSA1780
84Tsugel, Elizabeth (16573478)12NYUSA1775
85Bear, Nicholas D (16056078)12NYUSA1773
=85Alappatt, Steve (30013886)12NCUSA1773
87Dash, Shravan Kumar (16833323)12NCUSA1764
88Vishal, Vyas (30080411)12UTUSA1762
89Margale, Vedant Pravin (16018722)12COUSA1758
90Robinson, Scott (16817297)12OHUSA1754
91Mosaliganti, Shouri Rao (16646805)12MAUSA1748
92Pu, Michael (16205213)12INUSA1746
93Saravanan, Sujan (16608523)12WAUSA1740
94Das, Druheen Acharya (16983544)12MIUSA1739
95Thakur, Bhavya (15913546)12NYUSA1730
=95Heath, Derek Xu (16488212)12WAUSA1730
97Le, Phong Tuan (30524815)12DCFOR1727
98Qiao, Evelyn (16026633)12GAUSA1725
=98Buczkiewicz, Henry Michael (16309063)12CTUSA1725
100Kazan, Jude (16350155)12NYUSA1724
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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