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Top Quick Under Age 21 February 2015

1Chandra, Akshat (14864036)15NJUSA2503
2Robson, Ray (12847250)20MOUSA2428
3Perez, Robert M (12913092)19FLUSA2392
4Xiong, Jeffery (13648621)14TXUSA2384
5Griffith, Kyron W (12860484)20NYUSA2370
6Troff, Kayden W (12939342)16UTUSA2366
7Colas, Joshua (13242201)16NYUSA2362
8Naroditsky, Daniel A (12892910)19CAUSA2349
9Ostrovskiy, Aleksandr (12881112)19NYUSA2347
10Harmon-Vellotti, Luke (12943187)16IDUSA2324
=10Checa, Nicolas De T (14129047)13NYUSA2324
12Chiang, Jonathan (13091096)14TXUSA2302
13Brattain, Mika Andrew (13052087)16MAUSA2290
14Wang, Kevin (12927795)17MDUSA2281
=14Chandran, Kapil (13023280)16CTUSA2281
16Shen, Arthur (12875350)17NJUSA2280
17Krishnan, Varun (12908029)17CAUSA2263
18Chiang, Sarah (13091081)17TXUSA2260
19Williams, Justus D (13534356)16NYUSA2254
20Black, James A, Jr (13696544)16NYUSA2252
21Chakraborty, Dipro (12935003)19AZUSA2251
22Rozman, Levy (12879834)19NYUSA2250
23Bowersock, Michael (13416153)19MIUSA2244
24Pamatmat, Jarod John M (12894895)17TXUSA2239
25He, Tommy O (13354250)14TXUSA2227
26Li, Ruifeng (13768313)13TXUSA2226
27Sheng, Joshua (13974250)14CAUSA2221
28Chow, Colin (13822210)15CAUSA2215
29Ryba, Nicholas (12937962)20NYUSA2214
30Bodek, Michael H (12930039)17NYUSA2213
31Fisher, William (12910347)20NYUSA2203
32Lin, Dachey (13147854)15TXUSA2201
33Dahl, Matthew D (12907857)20MNUSA2198
34Marcsik, John Michael (12880226)19KYUSA2197
35Karamsetty, Jeevan (12887933)16VAUSA2194
36Iyer, Venkat (12907690)17CAUSA2191
37Liou, Yian (12948665)17CAUSA2190
=37Miller, Luke (14562936)17AZUSA2190
39Shao, Bob (13664333)20TXUSA2185
40Shetty, Atulya (12843029)18MIUSA2183
41Miller, Matthew (14562942)17AZUSA2177
42Katz, Alexander Ross (12885132)18NJUSA2173
43Wang, Andrew C (12846588)19MAUSA2171
=43Rosenthal, Nicholas (13075378)18FLUSA2171
=43Gu, Christopher (13195432)16RIUSA2171
46Vaidya, Atulya (13252537)15TXUSA2170
=46Crump, Alexander J (13607663)14NYUSA2170
48Larson, Matthew (14278511)17MOUSA2165
49Kim, Yoon-Young (14671518)13CTUSA2157
50Li, Ethan (13539092)14NYUSA2156
51Aaron, Deepak (12877422)20NYUSA2153
=51Schmakel, Sam A (12887417)18ILUSA2153
53Tsoi, Alan (12766716)20CAUSA2152
=53Naguleswaran, Annorjan (14210268)13OHUSA2152
55Cao, Kevin Y (12905349)18MOUSA2148
=55Fikiet, Alex Miche (12921011)20CTUSA2148
=55Hu, Bryan (13328981)17AZUSA2148
58Yang, Christopher (13228721)15PAUSA2145
59Martinez, Isaac (13072295)18AZUSA2144
60Kats, Alena (12980885)19NYUSA2142
61Yang, Darwin (12945617)18TXUSA2141
62Liu, Andrew (13987660)16MAUSA2139
63Fabbri, Alexander (13348351)19NYUSA2136
=63Aletheia-Zomlefer, Soren (13921895)18AZUSA2136
65Balakrishnan, Praveen (14056673)12NJUSA2134
66Ng, Andrew (12870005)20NJUSA2133
67Hua, David (12985793)17NJUSA2129
=67Obili, Abhishek Reddy (14362815)15TXUSA2129
69Adelberg, David (12937309)18AZUSA2126
70Mo, Kevin (12928398)19PAUSA2121
71Xu, Grant Y (13722590)17MAUSA2117
72Su, Dion (12958332)19TXUSA2114
73Moon, Ryan Joseph (12910644)19GAUSA2110
=73Shao, Andy (13498545)16TXUSA2110
75Li, Zhaozhi (13646954)15ILUSA2108
76Kelley, Deshawn (14113448)19OHUSA2107
=76Wang, Jalen, Sir (14127276)16MIUSA2107
78Zhou, Kevin L (12890043)19VAUSA2106
79Polgar-Shutzman, Tom (13060416)15MOUSA2105
80Tang, Andrew (13215196)15MNUSA2101
=80Nydick, Brandon (13809493)13NYUSA2101
82Velikanov, Alexander (12879882)17WIUSA2097
83Arun, Siddharth (13206647)16MAUSA2096
=83Shi, Jason (14026495)14CTUSA2096
85Jia, Jason (12846410)20TXUSA2095
86Jayakumar, Adarsh (12881167)20NYUSA2093
87Wahl, Jackson (13998681)15MNUSA2088
88Ludwig, John Gabriel (13721287)14FLUSA2087
89Patel, Advait (14472386)12OKUSA2086
90Xie, Tianming (13928401)13TXUSA2085
91Pillai, Kadhir And (13344871)14NYUSA2084
=91Griggs, Walker Kyle (14079634)18OHUSA2084
93Sun, Rick (14444430)12AZUSA2082
94Jacobson, Brandon (14160065)11NJUSA2078
=94Mccormick, Cale Michael (14579330)16RIUSA2078
96Clinton, Jonathan (12955766)17OHUSA2075
97Richter, Alex (14481855)20MOUSA2074
98Gurevich, Daniel (12914206)17GAUSA2071
99Eisen, Zane S (12854033)18OHUSA2070
100Zheng, Andrew (14073572)12MDUSA2068
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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