US Chess Federation logo is the official Website of the US Chess Federation
The 1997 Interplay U.S. Chess Championships: List of Feature Articles

People and Places

These features include player bios, a look at the site, and behind the scenes look at everything from hospital emergencies to midnight basketball games. If you're interested in the people stories from the country's tournament, check out this section.

Games and Theory

New! Live Webcast with Commentary by Grandmaster Michael Rohde

Autoplay Archives
Move by move diagrams with commentary--no Java required

We also have a number of annotated games, theoretical articles, and other features that tell you what's happening on the board.

Our feature articles

People and Places | Annotated Games & Theory
New! Autoplay Games with Commentary

People and Places

Listed Newest to Oldest

Annotated Games & Theory

Theoretical Articles


New! Autoplay Games with Commentary from GM Rohde

Current Games Shown Live!

Title Sponsor

The 1997 Interplay U.S. Championship is made possible through the generosity of Interplay Productions, Inc., of Irvine, Calif. Interplay is the world's source for innovative gaming software, including "USCF Chess."

Local Underwriters

Chess Emporium/Scott Freneaux, Thomas M. Reahard, CS & TP Chess Association, Gilbert Schools Chess, Lee LaFrese, Paul Gold

Coming Soon: Shop online
Now here! Online Shopping

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This page was last updated September 29, 1997

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